Elon Musk’s Endorsement of Trump Sparks Controversy Among Tesla Enthusiasts


Tesla CEO Elon Musk's recent political moves are stirring significant controversy, particularly among Tesla owners and environmental advocates. Musk's vocal support for former President Donald Trump and his choice of Senator JD Vance as a running mate has raised eyebrows, given the stark contrast in their views on electric vehicles (EVs) and clean energy.

Musk, who has built Tesla on the promise of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, has pledged to donate $45 million per month to a super PAC supporting Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign​. This move is seen as a direct contradiction to Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.

Trump has been a vocal critic of EVs, often mocking them at rallies and questioning their viability. He recently told a Florida crowd, "Who wants to drive an electric car for the rest of your life?" to which the crowd responded with boos. His administration has also been known for rolling back environmental regulations and promoting fossil fuel use, which could hinder the growth of the EV market in the U.S.

Senator JD Vance, Trump's VP pick, has introduced legislation aimed at eliminating federal EV subsidies and instead promoting gas-powered vehicles. The proposed "Drive American Act" would remove over $100 billion in existing EV subsidies and offer incentives for American-made fossil fuel vehicles, a move that could significantly impact Tesla’s market share and sales in the U.S..

Musk’s alignment with Trump and Vance is causing a rift among Tesla’s customer base, many of whom are environmentally conscious consumers. A recent survey indicated that while Tesla owners remain loyal to the brand, their opinion of Musk is increasingly negative due to his political endorsements​.

Critics argue that Musk’s support for a political agenda that undermines clean energy efforts could damage Tesla's reputation and market position. Despite this, Musk remains confident that he can influence Trump and his administration to adopt more favorable policies for EVs. However, there is skepticism about whether this political gamble will pay off for Tesla and its mission in the long run​​.

The financial markets are also reacting to these developments. Following the announcement of Vance as Trump’s running mate and Musk’s endorsement, Tesla’s stock saw a 2% drop. Investors are concerned that policies detrimental to EVs could hurt Tesla’s domestic sales​.

As Musk continues to navigate the political landscape, his decisions could have far-reaching implications not only for Tesla but for the broader EV industry and the fight against climate change. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether Musk’s strategy will align with or undermine his company’s foundational goals.


  1. Well, just my 2 cents here. IF AND WHEN WE HAVE AN ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE ATTACK (EMP) ON OUR OVERALL GRID, then WHAT is going to happen to ALL of these EV????? Obviously, they will not be able to charge. Moreover, if they do not charge, will they run? Are they capable of running on electric as well as regular gas? I do not own one and don’t really know that much about them. However, if they can’t be charged in case of a long-term power outage then seems like a lot of drivers that own them will be without transportation… But maybe they do also run on fuel… hummmm.


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