Michelle Obama Not Campaigning for Biden Over Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Kathleen Buhle


In a surprising turn of events, Michelle Obama will not be campaigning for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, reportedly due to the Biden family's treatment of Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's ex-wife. Buhle, who divorced Hunter in 2017 amid his struggles with addiction, has been effectively ostracized by the Biden family following the publication of her memoir in 2022. This book detailed her tumultuous marriage and Hunter's battles with substance abuse​​.

Sources close to the Obamas indicate that Michelle's decision stems from her disapproval of how Buhle has been marginalized. Despite the Bidens' public image of unity, the internal family dynamics tell a different story.

Buhle's exclusion from significant family events, such as her daughter Naomi Biden's wedding photoshoot for Vogue, which only featured Naomi and Jill Biden, has been particularly contentious​​.

The fallout from Buhle's memoir, "If We Break," and the subsequent strain on her relationship with the Biden family, highlights a broader issue of loyalty and personal history within political families. Buhle has been vocal about her experiences, which include feeling unsupported by the Bidens during her marriage and after her divorce from Hunter​​.

Hunter Biden's ongoing legal troubles have further complicated matters. Buhle's recent testimony in his federal gun trial brought renewed media attention to her and the Biden family's personal struggles.

She testified about Hunter's drug use and their challenging marriage, adding to the Biden family's discomfort with her public revelations​.

The decision of a prominent figure like Michelle Obama to step back from campaigning for Biden could have significant political ramifications. The former First Lady has been a critical asset for the Democratic Party, known for her powerful speeches and widespread popularity. Her absence on the campaign trail may influence voter sentiment and the overall dynamics of the 2024 election​​.

This development underscores the intricate and often private issues that can influence public political strategies. It also reflects the broader theme of personal loyalty and public perception in high-stakes political environments. As the 2024 election approaches, the Biden campaign will need to navigate these personal and political complexities to maintain its momentum.


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