Kansas’ Bold Attempt to Protect Children from Mutilation Comes Up Short


The recent proposal in Kansas to ban child sexual mutilation has stirred up quite a controversy, with passionate arguments from both sides. While many applaud the attempt to protect innocent children, others argue that it infringes on personal freedoms. As a conservative, I firmly believe that this ban is a necessary step in safeguarding our youth and preserving traditional values. Let's take a closer look at the issue from a conservative point of view.

First and foremost, the idea of child sexual mutilation is abhorrent and should have no place in our society. It is a barbaric practice that not only causes physical harm but also has lasting emotional and psychological effects on the victims. As conservatives, we value the sanctity of human life and believe in protecting the most vulnerable among us. This ban would have been a powerful statement in upholding these values.

Furthermore, proponents of the ban argue that it is necessary to combat the growing trend of gender reassignment surgeries on minors. This disturbing trend has been on the rise in recent years, with more and more young children being encouraged to undergo irreversible procedures that can have serious consequences on their health and well-being. By banning child sexual mutilation, Kansas would have taken a proactive stance in protecting children from these potentially harmful procedures.

However, opponents of the ban argue that it infringes on personal freedoms and that parents should have the right to make medical decisions for their children. While this argument may hold some merit, it is important to consider the long-term consequences of such decisions.

As conservatives, we value personal responsibility and believe in the importance of protecting our children from harmful influences. Banning child sexual mutilation aligns with these beliefs and would have been a step in the right direction.

Moreover, the failure of this ban highlights the growing divide in our society between traditional values and progressive ideologies. As conservatives, we believe in preserving the foundations of our society and protecting our children from harmful influences. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so in a society that is becoming more and more tolerant of radical ideas and practices. This ban was a chance for Kansas to take a stand against this trend, but unfortunately, it fell short.

In addition, the failure of this ban highlights the need for strong and unwavering conservative leadership. In a time when traditional values are under attack, it is crucial that we have leaders who are willing to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular. This ban may have failed, but it is important to continue fighting for our values and protecting our children from harmful practices.

In conclusion, the proposal to ban child sexual mutilation in Kansas was a courageous and necessary step in protecting our children and preserving traditional values. As conservatives, we must continue to advocate for the well-being of our youth and push back against harmful ideologies. While this attempt may have failed, it serves as a reminder that we must never stop fighting for what is right. Our children's futures depend on it.

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  1. Children and young adults under 25, are not yet fully matured; their brains are still developing, no matter how “adult” they think they are! How they think will change between 18 and 25! But at least at 18 they are capable of comprehending what such transition will entail a d its long term consequences. Prior to that age, they really re NOT, , who h is why they are not legally permitted to smoke or drink, drive, vote, or engage in other adult activities! Even allowing the dangerous hormone “blockers” prior to that age, especially without parental consent, puts their health and psychosocial welfare at considerable risk! The thing about hormones is that they are so interrelated that if 1 is out of balance, it throws all the rest off too, risking all manner of physical and emotional havoc! Allowing children to engage in these things is, in fact, child sexual abuse, and the worst for of child abuse of them all! People encouraging or enabling this are criminals! Children are entrusted to parents for their education and protection, not their abuse! As a nurse, and as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I am not just spouting someone else’ talking points here; I KNOW, all too well, the harm it does to children when they are exposed to things far beyond their ability to process or comprehend properly. Recovery is long, painful, and never100%, IF they have the strength of will to pursue it; most never will!

  2. When their child commits suicide, it will be blood on parents hands, and conscience.. could you live with knowing that?

  3. A friend of mine’s ex daughter in law decided her 12 year old little girl should be a prostitute to pay for mommy’s drug addiction. Fortunately the child reported her to Social Services and she now lives with my friend.
    When she first arrived, the girl insisted that she was a boy and wanted to get a sex cha ge operation. My friend said no.
    After two years of living in my friends safe and loving home, that young lady is eagerly searching for the perfect dress to wear to her first school dance and recently told my friend how glad she was that my friend had refused to let her have the surgery.
    When I was twelve I wished I was a boy too, although in my case it was because my mom made me stop playing football and wrestling with the boys because I was “growing up”.
    Children are not mentally or physically mature enough to make such a massive life altering decision or deal with the traumatic changes it would cause in their lives. Good parents would realize that and insist they wait until they are adults to make that decision.

  4. They are children we are supposed to be protecting, not letting them have disfiguring surgery.what is wrong with this world is they have pushed God out of schools.God made 2 sexes.Male and female.you don’t read in the Bible about sex changes.yall need to get right with God.send your kids to church not some butcher shop.Its bad enough men dressing as women.I will pray for you all ❣️✌️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Many baby boys are mutilated and traumatized, when they get circumcised at birth. I do not agree with children being mutilated in any way. Let the child make an informed decision, once they are an adult.

  6. Circumcision is another discussion altogether from sex reassignment surgery. I was circumcised as a baby with no ill effects. A sex change is another bucket of issues.
    Extremely damaging to the mental health of the child.


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